Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sour-Creamy Super-Cheesy Enchilada Goodness

This "recipe" got 4 thumbs up in our house (I am sure Skylar had her thumbs up and the dogs would have raised their thumbs (do dogs have thumbs?) if we had shared...)

I use the term recipe very loosely - because I didnt measure anything - except sort of the chicken broth....

CLEARLY - you could season and cook your own chicken -- but since this is the first chicken I have "cooked" with or could even stomach THINKING about touching to cut up since the Bean took up residence in my belly, I figured paying a little more for the fully cooked version was worth being able to eat the final product. Plus, let's be honest -its just way way easier. (Thankfully, I must give full credit to Nate - who took the chicken off the bones for me too - what a great man. :) )

Rotisserie Chicken
Cheese (Sharp Cheddar & Monterey Jack)
Salsa (Optional)
Chicken Broth (1 can - 16 oz.ish)
Flour (1/4 ish cup)
Butter (1/4 ish cup) + enough to sauté onions
Sour Cream

Sautee Onion in light butter until clear & soft Add diced chicken to onions Fill each tortilla (I used 7 or 8) with chicken/onion mixture - grated cheese and salsa (or no salsa) Roll and leave seam side down in 9*13 inch pan

In pan melt butter - mix in flour until bubbly (gravy-ish) Add in chicken broth gradually - stirring until it boils and thickens (just a bit) Remove from heat Add sour cream and mix until creamy and smooth (at least 8 oz - I used 2/3 of a container) Cover tortillas with creamy mixture (the mixture will be like a runny-ish gravy/melted ice-cream consistency) Top with cheese & more cheese & a little more - cause it's better that way.
Bake at 400 for 20 minutes

Let sit for 10 minutes or so before serving.

We only used salsa in half of them - and we ended up not even adding any salsa as a "topping" afterwards because it was just so creamy and cheesy - my mouth is watering just thinking about it. If you want more of a kick though, I think some diced jalapenos or salsa in the sauce before you bake would be delish.

Yum. Happy Eating!

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