Saturday, April 14, 2018

Then I Saw Her Face

I will share the long version of our story soon - but for now - I wanted to share a picture of our sweet baby girl that we (and so many others) have been praying for for almost two years!

We have been up to our eyeballs in paperwork for the last week - and more will be coming. I have every plan to blog her story this week, but for now I am just going to answer the questions we have gotten the most.

How old is she?  She is 2 years old - and her birthday is December 30.

Does she have a name:  Yes - of course she does - but no, we aren't sure yet what it will be! HA!

When will you get her home?  This summer!!!! We are desperately praying that our paperwork pushes through quickly and that we can travel early summer - will you please pray with us?

We knew she would have needs (and for those that didn't know - the majority of children adopted from China do have special needs/differences of some sort) - do we know what they are?  Yes and No.  We know there are lots of scary words in her file.  But when I tell you that we have the biggest peace about them - it is literally un-explainable.  When we get home we will have her conditions explored from top to bottom with doctors that we trust and go from there.  The Lord has made it so abundantly clear to us that this is our daughter - and none of that other stuff matters. 

That being said - you can specifically pray for her health - and that would be wonderful! 

What do we need?  Truthfully - prayer.  Lots and Lots of prayer.  

Our specific requests are: (1) quick turnaround on the paperwork we submitted on Friday (to arrive Monday).  This will pretty much determine if we go early summer or not.  (2) For her health - both before we get her -and once we are home and settled.  (3) For her caregivers - that she is safe and loved on and that they do what they can to prepare her to meet us (we will send a care package with our pictures).  (4)  For Skylar and Wyatt - lots of change is coming their way and we are doing the very best we can to prepare them - but I am 100% certain all of our world's are about to be rocked - in the best possible way of course!  (5) Did I mention we need our paperwork to hurry??   :) (6) That the Lord will continue to provide for the remainder of the process - and that the details (which he has already worked out) and logistics will continue to fall into place. 

We are so very thankful for the support and love that we have been shown.  I am slightly overwhelmed (in the BEST way!) by the amount of texts/calls/emails/messages we have gotten asking about her and what else others can do to help us bring her home.  


We have been asked a bunch about fundraisers -and YES - here they are. T-shirts and Envelopes.

T-shirts - we will be selling these for $20. All sizes -kids and adults. (Thank you, Aunt LaLa for the awesome design!)  We are going to do a pre-order for the next two weeks - and then have them to you in the two weeks after. If you want to purchase one - please let us know what size you want by text/PM/ or email:  
(We will be able to ship the shirts for a flat rate of $5 per package.)

If you purchase shirts -please send us a picture of yourself in them and send them to us!  We will be making a picture book for her with all of your faces! :)  We want her to go from having no family to knowing her village is larger than she ever imagined!

Envelopes:  We have 100 envelopes.  Each envelope has a dollar amount $1-$100.  How does it work?  You select an envelope that has a number of the dollar amount you would like to send - and we will either mail or deliver the envelope - and you mail or deliver it back to us with the amount on the envelope and a note or prayer for our baby.  The notes will go in her box so she will know how many people loved and supported her (and her family) and wanted her to come home.  I know it doesn't seem like a lot -but all of these envelopes - if we can get them filled - will cover almost all of our flights to and from and within China!  

Ways to give: Cash/Check
Venmo:  @natecass

Our youcaring page is still active - and you can access it here -- but we ask that if you are purchasing t-shirts you use one of the other ways to pay as - like all fundraising websites - a portion of the money given this way is kept for the website.

We are so very very grateful from the bottom of our hears for all the love and support and we can't wait to share more of her story with you all!!  Countdown to China can really begin NOW!!!


Many have asked about the investment made to adopt internationally (with our agency - everyone is different): here it is.  We are estimated at slightly about the middle range of this scenario right now.  So, yes, every little bit helps and is very very appreciated.  Please, if you are considering adoption - DO NOT let this stop you.  Instead -jump in with both feet like we did -and watch the Lord provide and write a beautiful story for you! You won't regret it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can’t wait to give her hugs & Aunt Jo Kisses 💜💋💜💋💜💋🤗