Saturday, April 14, 2018

Stone Mountain

We took a trip for the second year in a row in December - WHATTT???? After being at UPS for so long - it was still a shock!  We went to Stone Mountain -and even checking the weather until a few days before it was going to be cold - but not super cold.  However, when we got there - we basically got a small blizzard!  It was amazing - the kids really enjoyed it - until everyone's feet were frozen and then it was (literally) all down hill from there.

The first day we tubed until they shut the park down because there was so much ice and snow predicted.  We went out to a quick dinner and found that almost the entire town had shut down because of the weather (aren't they used to snow??) and so instead of going to a movie or bowling - we picked up donuts and watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in bed at our hotel.  It was such a sweet time and the next day the kids saw the snow monster at the park - which totally made their trip.  We ended our second day visiting Santa Claus - were Skylar asked for an alarm clock and Wyatt asked for a "we-mote contwol caw". 

So thankful for the way that Lord has provided these special memories and family moments over the past two years.  When I look back now on how long we held on to the UPS "plan" for our family - and sacrificed time together for security - I am almost embarrassed.  God has provided for us - just like he said He would - imagine that! I am so thankful for Nate's hard work and all of the opportunities he has earned for our family.

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