Thursday, July 12, 2018


Cate finally tried one of the muffins she made on Monday.  I tried to get her to eat one yesterday - but she refused and only wanted her egg.  Of course, with the encouragement of Skylar and Wyatt she was more than happy to try one. I think her smile says it all.  Delish!

Pre-VBS Photoshoot made me realize how difficult it is to get "good" smile and three kids looking in the same general direction in the same picture.  Also, I might never get a good picture of Cate and Wyatt smiling because he is always "kithing her fathe".  

On the way to VBS this morning he said "Isn't it so cool that we get to keep Cate forever?"  Yes, yes it really is.

Skylar:  "Mom! Look how sweet we all are back here holding hands - take our picture!"

I'm going to enjoy this before the new wears off and the sibling arguing starts going three ways.

We introduced Cate to Moes after VBS let out since Nate goes back to work tomorrow we figured one more family lunch was needed.  Cate ate half of a burrito bowl, chips and queso and most of oatmeal raisin cookie.  I'm so shocked at the amount she can put into her tiny body!

We saw the pediatrician this morning and she was very impressed with her language skills and general health.  We are so very thankful for a good report.  Lots of questions still exist - and may always exist, truthfully - based on what we don't know about her past.  There are several specialists we will be seeing over the next few weeks to try to get more information about her long-term health conditions and diagnosis.  We are so thankful for how well she is doing - and I really couldn't be more thankful that the Lord has given us such a peace about her medical "stuff" even before we knew her.  We will share once we have more definite answers - and as we feel necessary - but we are so thankful for the amount of love and support we have received this week alone.  I don't think I have been out of the house once that I haven't seen someone who has hugged my neck (only because they are attempting to hug Cate who I'm wearing - I'm sure! HA!) and said something encouraging to us.  We have been blown away by the amount of love this girl is receiving and we are so so SOOO thankful that we are able to share her story - and our families call to adopt with whoever is willing to listen. 

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