Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Not-So-Small Miracle

When we started this process - we were super overwhelmed at financial investment it takes to adopt internationally.  I know I have shared before - but we had just made a major lifestyle change when we left UPS after 10 years - and honestly thought the call to adopt would get quieter - because - after all - it didn't make sense now.  Instead the desire grew - and we knew that this step of obedience would require us to trust that God would literally provide at every turn.  It's amazing when I stripped away the ability (that I think we have) to control circumstances - how easy it had become to rely on my own abilities to determine our families trajectory.  I mean, we balance our checkbooks most of the time according to our life goals - a new car, house, vacation, retirement savings, shopping spree - whatever it may be.  All of the sudden those things didn't seem nearly as important as the calling to adopt and have there be one less orphan.
The first book I read once we filed our adoption application was Adopted for Life. Prior to reading is book, Nate and I felt such pressure to "handle" this alone.  To figure out a way to "make it work" - whatever it looked like.  Asking for help from our community felt - honestly - almost embarrassing.  We knew people would think - if you can't afford the $30-40,000 to adopt - how can you afford bringing a baby home and the everyday care that requires?  Does the average person have that much extra laying around to just do this?  Maybe - but this certainly wasn't our momentary financial situation.  In the book the author talks about just how hard it can be to accept help from others.  BUT it also discussed how every Christian is called to care for the orphan and the widow.  For some of us, that is the actual action of adopting and caring for a child.  For some, its giving financially - so that the families who are called have the ability to go.  And for some - its simply praying or meeting other physical needs - clothing, feeding, encouraging - providing respite or guidance through the process.  I had never really looked at it like this before.  I wish I could say that it took all of the anxiety out of the fundraising process for us - but it was still hard to start.   What made it easier what the absolutely insane amount of support we received from our community.  We never realized how many people truly have a heart for adoption - but don't necessarily feel called to do to the adopting. 
Which brings me to this:  we are so so SO  thankful for every single one of you who have reached out, prayed, bought a t-shirt, filled an envelope, and just sent encouragement our way.  Our hearts have been so overwhelmed.  As we sat and rolled shirt after shirt - realizing that each of them represented a person who was thinking of us and praying for us.  We have opened mail daily - with letters, pictures and financial support for our little one.  It literally has taken our breath away and brought us to tears.  The last few weeks Nate and I have talked multiple times about how (his words) "near-sighted" our view of our circle was - and how we thought we knew what and who God was going to use to provide.  We had NO idea. 

Through a face full of tears on Saturday night after rolling t-shirts - and again on Sunday - I told Nate - Who are we? Who are we? All we did was say yes.  That's it. We said yes.  We are no one special.  We knew we were called - and we knew at any expense we would go - to be obedient.  We thought we knew there were people who would want to be a part of her story - but we had no idea.

We honestly feel like we are right in the middle of a miracle.  And not a small one. One that brings an orphan in to a family.  One that gives a child with a name given to her based on circumstances - a name given to her by parents.  This could not have happened without our not-so-small circle.  I don't know why we were the ones called to do the action of adopting - but I am so thankful and humbled to be part of the story that is unfolding.  I am so thankful to each person who has chosen to be part of her story in other ways - because you have also chosen to be obedient and to say yes.  You are part of her story.  We could not be more grateful to the God of the Universe for being so very kind to our family - for providing even we doubted - even when we were discouraged, frustrated and burnt out.  He has never left us - and He won't now - always provided and I know He will continue.  He is so very good. 
I say all this to say two things:  (1) THANK YOU! From the very very very bottom of all our hearts.  As I have delivered shirts and opened mail with my kids - each of you have given me a chance to share with Skylar and Wyatt how God is providing for our family - for our baby's family - and how He promises to meet all our needs - and how God always keeps His promises. He has not called our family to do something that He is not going to make a way for.  And (2) if YOU feel called to adopt - but feel equally overwhelmed by the investment of it all - do it anyway!  You might not be able to afford it on your own - but your circle can! It's hard to ask for help! I get it! But don't rob your people of the true blessing that comes from giving and providing a way for a child to come home.  Also, buckle up for the ride because God is going to take your breath away when you say yes in obedience to a call He has placed on your life.  There is nothing like feeling like you are right in the middle of a miracle. 
Nate confidently claims this verse for his life - and I don't know of a better way to sum up what we have experienced these last few weeks.
Look at the nations and watch - be utterly amazed.  For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe - even if you were told.  Habakkuk 1:5
Thank you for following our journey - and for allowing us to share our story.  May we all praise God together for what He is doing in one little girl's life -and how He is working on Nate and I through her story.

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