Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 4!

It was snowing again today, so we were not sure if we would be able to still go - but THANKFULLY we could - it was SOOOOOOO cold!! There were only two other ladies that were crazy enough to go on a day like today, but they were really neat to talk to. One lady's husband works for compassion international ( she was carrying a bag that we asked her about that said compassion on it ) which struck up a conversation about the little girl we sponsor in Ethiopia - she sponsors two children, and both of the guides sponsored kids..and one of them has a brother that used to work for Compassion...needless to say by the end of our tour we had convinced the other lady she should sponsor a child too! ha! small world, huh?

Anyway, we went on a zipline course that ranged from 5 miles per hour to 40! IT WAS SOOO AWESOME!!! I thought I was going to be much more nervous that I was - but I think I was too cold to even think about it! I wish we could have done it for the rest of the day - you feel so FREE up there!! so totally neat!

Here are a couple of pictures! -- Oh, and I forgot to mention, Nate and I both agreed that we met Beka's future husband...he was BEAUTIFUL (sorry Nate) tall, handsome, outdoorsy, rugged, handsome, a little scruff (just enough - McSteamy style)- he is the mngr of the zipline business, and the ranch that houses the zipline business (1500 acres) they are turning it into a Christian kids camp....he was PERFECT...and not married - all I'm saying is, I am kicking myself for not giving away your number bek.....and no...not joking...

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